My brothers' kids are younger than mine and are just starting to play baseball.
At our bi-monthly (semi-monthly?) family dinners, my brothers have made it clear to me that, while they and their friends appreciate my the help I give them, as coaches they are overwhelmed. There is so much to learn and they don't have time to devote hours to hitting, pitching, throwing, fielding, base-running and such. Instead, what they want -- what they need -- are quick overviews of the basics. I hear the same thing from the coaches in the recreational program for which I am the instructional coordinator.
Knowing that I literally wrote the book on the elevator pitch, one evening my younger brother came right out and challenged me to put together elevator pitches for hitting and pitching.
I believe a lot of people would find value in the pieces I put together for my brothers and their friends, and I have decided to share them for FREE.
Chris O'Leary's FREE Hitting and Pitching Clinics
My contribution to the world of instruction starts with my...
Why Should You Listen to Me?
I got my start as a professional hitting coach working with a major league ballplayer named Andres Torres. At the time we met, he was struggling in AAA. I helped him understand what a good swing actually looks like. He ended up helping the San Francisco Giants win the 2010 World Series.
As word got around about what I was doing, and who I was working with, parents and coaches in our recreational baseball and softball program started asking for advice about teaching hitting, throwing, and pitching. My brothers' kids are also younger than mine, and they and their friends started asking me for advice.
As a result, I started putting together a number of pieces that discuss the basics of teaching hitting and -- because pitching is throwing with less margin for error -- throwing. The hope is to help people get on the right path and, more importantly, ensure that they and their kids don't get led off that path.